Greg Sereda
| May 24, 2024

I Can’t IGNORE Ellen White’s FALSE PROPHECIES Any Longer!

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Was Ellen White a false prophet? That’s what some people claim. Some of the supposed false prophecies she made are that Jerusalem would never be rebuilt, England would attack the United States during the Civil War, Jesus would return in her lifetime, and more. Watch this video to learn the truth about Ellen White’s supposed false prophecies.

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Video chapters:

0:00 – Introduction
2:00 – Old Jerusalem Would Never be Built Up
4:23 – England Will Attack the United States
9:12 – The Civil War Is a Sign of Jesus’ Return
10:42 – Jesus Would Return in a Few Months
12:06 – Adventists Living in 1856 Will See Jesus Return
16:52 – Jesus Would Return Before Slavery Was Abolished
19:02 – She Saw Enoch on Jupiter or Saturn

#ellenwhite #seventhdayadventist #falseprophet