Greg Sereda
| June 16, 2024

10 Signs of a TRUE Prophet Every Christian MUST Know!

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Numerous people have claimed to be prophets throughout history with tragic consequences. For example, Jim Jones claimed to be a prophet with a divine mission. However, he ordered 900 people to drink a cyanide-laced drink that led to their immediate death in 1978. David Koresh claimed to be the final prophet of the Branch Davidians. Unfortunately, under his leadership, 86 people died in a standoff between the Branch Davidians and the ATF in 1993. Other professed prophets led their followers to adopt bizarre doctrines that jeopardized salvation. For instance, Charles Taz Russell, the prophet and founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, rejected the doctrine of the Trinity; and Joseph Smith, the prophet founder of the Mormon Church, claimed that all men have divine natures with the potential to become gods. If people had known the Bible’s 10 signs of a true prophet, they could have been spared from the dangers and deceptions of these false prophets. Watch this video to learn those signs so you don’t fall prey to a false prophet!

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Video chapters:

0:00 – Introduction
1:57 – They Are Called in a Vision or Dream
4:55 – Their Predictions Come True
7:49 – They Call people to Repentance
9:11 – They Warn of God’s Judgments
10:25 – They Acknowledge Jesus Christ
13:43 – They Live a Godly Live
16:17 – They Teach Sound Doctrine
17:46 – They Promote the Worship of God
21:13 – They Perform Miracles
22:29 – They Are Rejected by the World

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